00 Mason and Abigail's Blog: February 2007

Monday, February 26, 2007

Haircuts and Abby dressed herself today!

After another snow day we decided to go out and get haircuts today. Mason has been very leary of getting a haircut since he had a bad haircut at the mall before Christmas. We went to a real Barber Shop! They did a great job.

Abby got her haircut today too! She went to Hair Cuttery and they shampooed her hair like a big girl! So cute!

Also, a milestone for a two year old little girl today!!

Abby dressed herself... She picked the clothes and put everything on! I'm so proud!!

Enough Snow Already!!

Okay, I'm ready for Spring!!!!

Sunday we got more white stuff. The kids were supposed to go to Andys to play Play-doh and I didn't want to take them out in the weather. So Andy walked over to our house and let the kids play Play-doh while I cleaned the house up for Mas to come home from Florida. Seems like an oxy-moron... the kids playing play-doh while I clean the house... hhmmmm. They did very well!! No big messes and a fairly quick clean up. They had been looking forward to play-doh all week, so the snow could't stop that.

Pretty cute animals huh... I have to admit, even I stopped cleaning for while to play. I forgot how much fun play-doh was, especially fresh out of the package NEW play-doh. Mommy made the Flamingo, Daddy made the giraffe, and Abby helped mommy make the Elephant. :)

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Busy Saturday!

Happy 1st Birthday Brandon!

This afternoon we went to a birthday party for Brandon. Lots of presents and fun! Brandon didn't even make a mess with his birthday cake! What a good boy!
Here is Abby with the b-day boy... after he wiped his cake hand in her hair :) hehe!
After the birthday party we went to Megans house to visit with Cole, Aiden, Bryson, Tyler and the newest addition... princess Anna. I was HORRIBLE at taking pictures while we were there. :( I wish I would have taken more than 1. I didn't get a shot of Tyler or Anna!! Maybe this Spring their Mommies will let me do a photo shoot!

Tina Maria brought gifts and the boys all got fun squoosh balls. Pretty cool huh!

Mason and Abby are totally excited for our next visit to Megans... and so is mommy, I think we might scrapbook! YAY!!

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Happy Birthday Aunt Jan!!

Okay, it's a couple hours early... but we are going back to work tomorrow and I'm not sure if our schedule with allow us to do this then. So, in tradition, here goes...

Hope you have a great day!!

What a difference a year makes!! My card skills are better, and Abby has normal hair!

Here is last year's "I miss Mas" picture... they are so little!!

We LOVE you!!

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Make it ~ Bake it

Last week I bought some Make it Bake it kits at Wal-Mart. I used to LOVE these things when I was little and Mason and Abby are such a great excuse to buy fun things!!

We did it today and it was SO MUCH EASIER than that dumb Easy Bake Oven. I used an old egg holder and the kids didn't spill much at all. Mason did Saturn (since that is his favorite planet) and Abby did Butterflies. They were fun and the kids loved making them.

Mason kept asking... "when do we eat them?" He did SO good!!

Ready for the oven

All done!!! It has a better end product than Easy Bake Oven too!!


Another Thomas Day...

Today Mason put away the Wooden track and brought out the "Blue Track".. evidently he had a dream about playing blue track Thomas last night and he was on a mission from the moment he woke up this morning.

I'm just glad that Thomas has fun colors so I can take pictures... The kids played Thomas for a while and then we went downstairs for Lunch and a craft :) I'll blog that one later.
Mason is getting so good with his track building and has to have everything in order before he starts to play. Uncle Michael might have worn off a little tooooo much!!
He also lined up the Troublesome Trucks and called a "Meeting"... it was hilarious! He was so serious. Some trucks wanted to play and some wanted to work, it was a big mess and those trucks weren't listening! He has some imagination!


Monday, February 19, 2007

Day 4 without Mas

Well the kids are starting to come up and say "Mom, I'm sad. I miss Mas." :)
Just wait until the end of the week, they are going to be so happy when she gets home... I doubt they will let her pee by herself for a full week. I went to Wal-Mart and bought some 2% milk today. So now I can have cereal for breakfast and not have too many points. I also bought some no-point coffee sugar. Little changes will hopefully pay off. I'm supposed to weigh myself tomorrow.

Mason let me take a few shots today. I'm getting SICK of taking pictures inside!! I can't wait for Spring and Summer.

Well, I'm off to sleep, I can't wait to get warm and cozy. :)

Here's a shot of Mason for the day. His face isn't dirty, he has a little rash.
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Sunday, February 18, 2007

17 days old

Oh my gosh... so precious.
Just came across this picture. I can't believe she was ever this little, it amazes me to think of the huge personality that has come out of such a small little baby.
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Wooden Thomas Track

Mason drug out the boxes of Wooden Thomas tonight and it was SOOOO cute watching him pull all the engines out of the bin. "My favorite Engine!" Oh, Mom "Here's my favorite engine" Oh my gosh!!! Here is Santa Thomas "Mom, he's your favorite". I swear he has a special memory with each of these Engines. Oh, and just in case you didn't know... All Diesel engines are boys, so Abby can't be any Diesels. She is stuck with Rosie, Molly, and Daisy. :)

Jet Engine Thomas is one of my favorites... I love his face.

The bin of Wooden Thomas... I see Santa Thomas on top... (another one of my favorites)
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New PJs

I finally got out to buy the new PJs I've been dreaming of today. I don't know why I didn't buy them the first time I saw them... I think they are so cute.

So pictures with the new PJs... I had to use the flash since it's bedtime... but you get the idea.

We made it through Day 3 of Mas being in Florida!
The kids went to Andy's tonight for a couple hours. I ran out to Kmart and got Casa Chimayo for dinner. I figured I ate about 20 points for dinner... but I had been really good and saved my points today. Casa was worth it! 2 tacos with Chips and Salsa! yum yum

Another day off tomorrow. Mason picked up the Geo Trax tonight and built a Wooden Thomas track... he is doing so good with his track building!!

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Day 2 with no Mas

Abby and I did pedicures today
we watched Mary Poppins and Fox and the Hound
the kids are on a Little People kicked and entertained themselves with that for a while
we played Geo Trax and the track is destroyed and all the floor :)
we read some books
Papa made sausage
Mommy was hungry all day but managed to stay within her weight watchers points
Abby wanted to play Mickey Mouse but Mas computer doesn't have an Internet connection
The kids were sleeping by 10 because I let them stay up too late last night and they were cranky today
I wanted to go to Kmart to buy more blanket PJs but the kids were not leaving the Little People
we made popcorn
I found a ring that I thought I lost in the move while looking for my nail polish
I took a couple pics of Abby

Oh, and lastly, the Hersheys Kiss guy is LONG GONE... :)
Actually he is hiding right now, but the kids think I threw him away.
Way too much crying for chocolate going on today.

Here are our pedicures

Today I also realized that I have issues with toothbrushes... Either I buy too many or I just can't bring myself to throw out the old ones. I took a picture after I threw out 3 of them. I don't think 1 adult and 2 kids should have this many toothbrushes. You would think we were a family of 12 if you looked at our vanity. What the heck??

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Friday, February 16, 2007

Day 1 complete

Mas has been gone for 1 day.

It was a BUSY day...

we dropped off movies at McKay Used Book store.
went to Shoppers and bought groceries
Took Nanny her milk.
unloaded the groceries
went back to McKay to pick up our credit and bought Mary Poppins VHS along with some new Bernstein Bear books.
went to Dominos and ordered our $6.00 Friday night pizza
went over to Starbucks and got a "Mommy" treat
met some Cheerleaders in Starbucks (totally made Abby's night)
went to blockbuster and returned our movies, picked out 3 new ones.
picked up our pizza
came home and ate too much pizza
played Little People upstairs
Uncle Michael came home! so we bothered him for a while
Talked to Aunt Chelle
put the kids in the bath
got out of the bath and watched Mary Poppins
danced around to every song and Mason almost mastered saying "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"
mommy cleaned out the entire entertainment center and we found the Strawberry Shortcake movie that has been MIA for months
fed Baby Alive some dinner
Baby Alive made a stinky... laughed... and laughed
What an exciting day!!

Time for bed, good night...

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Valentine from Nanny

Nanny gave the kids a special treat for Valentines day.
Meet Mason and Abby's new best friend....

On her way to Vegas



Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines Day!

We had another snow day today and it looks like there is another day off tomorrow! Valentines Day is fun at home, but we missed handing out Valentines to our friends on the bus.

The day started with opening Valentine gifts from Mommy...

Then we baked some Valentines Day cookies!!

and we decorated them too!! Yum Yum!
After playing for a couple of hours Mas brought out some more Valentine gifts!! Mason and Abby got some really cute stuffed animals... Abby's is LoLa, and she talks!Poor Uncle Michael didn't have such a good Valentines day... he spent the entire afternoon blowing the snow off the driveway and clearing our cars. Thanks Uncle Michael...
