00 Mason and Abigail's Blog: Wooden Thomas Track

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Wooden Thomas Track

Mason drug out the boxes of Wooden Thomas tonight and it was SOOOO cute watching him pull all the engines out of the bin. "My favorite Engine!" Oh, Mom "Here's my favorite engine" Oh my gosh!!! Here is Santa Thomas "Mom, he's your favorite". I swear he has a special memory with each of these Engines. Oh, and just in case you didn't know... All Diesel engines are boys, so Abby can't be any Diesels. She is stuck with Rosie, Molly, and Daisy. :)

Jet Engine Thomas is one of my favorites... I love his face.

The bin of Wooden Thomas... I see Santa Thomas on top... (another one of my favorites)
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Blogger Melissa Davis said...

oh man! Zach would be in heaven with that track and trains! And Abby is so cute little!

1:47 AM  

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