00 Mason and Abigail's Blog: Tuesday, July 29

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Tuesday, July 29

Today was one of those days when you run around cleaning and picking up ALL.DAY and then at the end of the day you feel like nothing is done.

I know I am working on my third load of laundry for the day, so that is good. I got some calls made to the attorney, and I made Mason's appointment for his K-5 Dr.s Appt. The first available appointment is August 29, I hope that isn't too late for the school.
Lunch was ....

Dinner was the same, but from Tony's this time. Hey, the kids were in a pizza mood!

In between I did some meaningless things..

Like Organizing all the kids DVDs.

Which reminded me that I wanted to watch this one with the kids, it was cute. Truly a Disney Movie, nothing bad happens and the end is so "They Lived Happily Ever After."I changed the bed skirt on the bed which involved taking the mattress off, it was hard work! New Sheets too!!
Oh! and this is a picture of one of the plants I repotted yesterday.

Good night!


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