00 Mason and Abigail's Blog: Busy Saturday!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Busy Saturday!

Happy 1st Birthday Brandon!

This afternoon we went to a birthday party for Brandon. Lots of presents and fun! Brandon didn't even make a mess with his birthday cake! What a good boy!
Here is Abby with the b-day boy... after he wiped his cake hand in her hair :) hehe!
After the birthday party we went to Megans house to visit with Cole, Aiden, Bryson, Tyler and the newest addition... princess Anna. I was HORRIBLE at taking pictures while we were there. :( I wish I would have taken more than 1. I didn't get a shot of Tyler or Anna!! Maybe this Spring their Mommies will let me do a photo shoot!

Tina Maria brought gifts and the boys all got fun squoosh balls. Pretty cool huh!

Mason and Abby are totally excited for our next visit to Megans... and so is mommy, I think we might scrapbook! YAY!!

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