00 Mason and Abigail's Blog: October 2006

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Happy Birthday Mason... again!!

Today we had a Birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese!!
Mason had fun with his cousins... Joe, Ashley, Laura, Danny, and Justin! Aunt Coni and Aunt Carrie came too :)

He was a Pro when it came to ripping open the presents and blowing out the candles!!
Here they are with their birthday cake faces!! Yummy Cake!!!
Abby drove the Chuck E. Cheese School bus!! Posted by Picasa

Happy Birthday Mason!!

Since we are going to Trick or Treat on Tuesday, we decided to have Mason's partys on Saturday & Sunday this year. He has had a bit of a cough, so we didn't want to expose everyone to his cold, but we still celebrated here at the house.

He loved the cake and all his presents! Plus, after the party, Michael and Mason built a new Geo Trax with his newest additions... the City Bridge and the Clover Express Engine!

Today we will celebrate at Chuck E. Cheese with Daddy and his family. It's a birthday weekend here!! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Cox Farm 2006

It was a busy busy weekend for us... After Morgans Ford on Saturday we woke up and went to Cox Farm on Sunday!! The weather was cold in the morning, but by 1:00 it had warmed up and turned out to be a very nice day!
The Hayride goes through some water, so Mason had to ride that twice!! He loves creek water... what a boy! This was the new slide for 2006, Mason went down all by himself! It was a fast one!
They also had 10 piglets born a couple weeks ago. They were so cute, Abby just adored them. She really wanted to pet them, but they were all sound asleep.
By the end of the day we had 4 pumpkins to bring home and PaPa bought 2 big ones while we were gone. So now we have a total of 6 pumpkins here at the house! It was a great day, and I got my How tall this Fall picture, so I'm happy. :) We also video recorded Abby crashing down one of the slides and the kids love to watch that over and over... I'll have to see if I can upload it, I have to admit... if you look past the crying, it really is pretty funny!!
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Abby at the Pumpkin Patch

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Morgans Ford Bridge

Saturday Mas, Mason, Abby and Mommy took off on a road trip to see the colors of fall. (I LOVE living in Virginia)
Mas thought of a super cool place called Morgans Ford. It was a one lane bridge and we were able to get out and throw rocks in the water. Oh yeah, Masons favorite thing to do... if you haven't noticed we tend to throw rocks in water at least once a week!! He wore his camping boots and everything! He had so much fun and cried and cried when we had to leave.

The leaves were beautiful and the views of the mountains were just gorgeous. We also ran into a Hot Air balloon festival and the kids got to see a bunch out their windows. It was a fun adventure!!

Of course I took my camera... I'm gonna go broke just developing pictures!! Aahhh!!!
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Sunday, October 22, 2006

How Tall this Fall?

Mason Cox Farm 2004

Mason and Abby- Cox Farm 2005

Mason and Abby- Cox Farm 2006

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Reston Petting Zoo

Last weekend we went to the Reston Petting Zoo. I've been wanting to go all summer long, and realized that if we didn't go soon... we wouldn't get a chance.

Abby and Mason got to ride a pony, and after the pony rides we visit some "Mini-Ostrich" looking things... one of them REALLY liked Abby and bit her on the hand! Poor Abby was scared to death. Then on the zoo-fari ride a real Ostrich came and tried to eat Mason's shirt!! He wasn't too thrilled about that either. After that adventure they were done with the "Petting" part of the zoo for the day!

Things are about to get super busy for the end of the year. Mason's birthday is next week and then Halloween too!! Next thing we know, it will be Thanksgiving and time for Santa to come again!! Where does the time go?

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Saturday, October 14, 2006

More playing around with pictures

I've been playing around with some shots I took this past week. Trying to learn everything I can about Photoshop and adjusting different levels in the pictures. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't! I think I've been looking at these pictures too long... I should add some borders, but I'm too tired. We are off to the Petting Zoo tomorrow! That should be a fun day!

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Abby and her "friends"

From left to right...

Barney, Black and White cat, Tinky Winky, Bingo, Peaches, Brown Dog, Pink Dog, Brown and White dog, and lastly, Pink Bunny.

Is there a theme here?? The problem is that Abby's mom has no creativity what-so-ever. We are trying to get better, she just named her new kitten "Bingo"... not White Cat. Ya-hooo!

Here they all are going to the store...

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The Stone Bridge

Mason has found heaven on Earth!! He absolutely loves going to The Stone Bridge at the Manassas Battlefield. The water, the walking trails, just being outside... he loves it all!

Abby loves getting dirty too! I have to admit, Mommy is the only one in the family that doesn't *love* going here. I'm just not an outdoors kind-of person, what can I say. I can only imagine how happy Mason would be if he knew there was something called "camping". Where you actually don't leave the water and fresh air. While we are there you can just see it in his eyes... he is SO happy.
One thing I can do... play around with my camera!! Oh, and of course, I love to pet all the precious dogs that people are walking. Abby and I saw the most adorable hound this past week... just like Bailey (but different colors) He was so cute!

So this will be our stomping grounds until it gets too cold outside. The leaves are going to change and it will be beautiful, I guess it's a good thing that Mason drags me outside every once in a while! :) Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Nothing much new...

Nothing much new going on here!! Mommy has been too tired to do anything "super fun" lately, I'm still getting used to a school bus drivers schedule, the kids and I are tired by the end of our day now. The weekends are used to rest up for the week ahead! I'm hoping to adjust to the schedule and start doing some more fun fall day trips pretty soon!

For now, the farthest we get is the back yard to take some natural light photos!! (oh, and then off to Ritz for developing) :) As Abby calls it "getting the film rolled up?" (developed) You can tell I'm on a picture taking kick, I overheard Abby playing with her baby dolls and she told one of them she would "be right back, I have to go get my film rolled up". She is such a good mommy!!!

I'm still practicing and playing around with my camera. It is so relaxing, I'd love to drive out towards the mountains and just takes rolls of film once the leaves change. I bet Skyline Drive will be gorgeous in a couple weeks! That should be a fun adventure... Maybe we could do Luray Caverns too!!! I wonder if the kids are old enough to grasp the whole "Stalagtite/Stalagmite" thing. It might just scare them... Maybe we should just try the Reston Petting Zoo... I bet I could get some good shots there too!!

For now the backyard is working well... here is one of my favorites shots of Abby. :)

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