00 Mason and Abigail's Blog: Reston Petting Zoo

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Reston Petting Zoo

Last weekend we went to the Reston Petting Zoo. I've been wanting to go all summer long, and realized that if we didn't go soon... we wouldn't get a chance.

Abby and Mason got to ride a pony, and after the pony rides we visit some "Mini-Ostrich" looking things... one of them REALLY liked Abby and bit her on the hand! Poor Abby was scared to death. Then on the zoo-fari ride a real Ostrich came and tried to eat Mason's shirt!! He wasn't too thrilled about that either. After that adventure they were done with the "Petting" part of the zoo for the day!

Things are about to get super busy for the end of the year. Mason's birthday is next week and then Halloween too!! Next thing we know, it will be Thanksgiving and time for Santa to come again!! Where does the time go?

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