00 Mason and Abigail's Blog: Morgans Ford Bridge

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Morgans Ford Bridge

Saturday Mas, Mason, Abby and Mommy took off on a road trip to see the colors of fall. (I LOVE living in Virginia)
Mas thought of a super cool place called Morgans Ford. It was a one lane bridge and we were able to get out and throw rocks in the water. Oh yeah, Masons favorite thing to do... if you haven't noticed we tend to throw rocks in water at least once a week!! He wore his camping boots and everything! He had so much fun and cried and cried when we had to leave.

The leaves were beautiful and the views of the mountains were just gorgeous. We also ran into a Hot Air balloon festival and the kids got to see a bunch out their windows. It was a fun adventure!!

Of course I took my camera... I'm gonna go broke just developing pictures!! Aahhh!!!
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