00 Mason and Abigail's Blog: Welcome to March

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Welcome to March

Do you see what I see?? YAY!! It looks like Spring is around the corner... we have stems pushing their way through the cold ground to the light. I love the first signs that winter is on its way out.

This past weekend we did another quick craft. I bought some magnetic frames from Wal-mart and we used glitter glue to apply some fun things. The kids are so good when we do crafts, it makes me want to do more of them. We'll save all the "painting" crafts for the summer. ;)
We also got to run around in the Jeeps on Saturday. Abby is getting so good in the little jeep... she is really having fun. Plus, Mason loves to have someone to chase.

YAY! March is here!


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