00 Mason and Abigail's Blog: January 2007

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

An Old Favorite

Since I'm not coming up with anything new and mind blowing in photography, I figure I'll post one of my old favorites of the kids.

When I first took this picture it was not one of my favorites... I was used to seeing Mason in diapers, with those chubby legs and fingers. Abby was a baby everyday back then and let me dress her 3 times a day in the most fun outfits! I had been pregnant and in the house with a baby of some sort for the past 29 months of my life!!! :) BUT, 3 years later... this picture really means a lot to me as a mommy.

Back during the days when I would wake up and the first thing to do was change 2 diapers, carry 2 babies downstairs, get a bottle of formula ready for Abby and cut up some french toast sticks for Mason. They were so dependant on me and life was so different for us. Neither of the kids could even talk! I did all the talking and they did all the screaming. It's hard for me to imagine talking to them all day long with no response!! No hearing "Mom, I have to tell you a story"... not even once a day!?!!! No conversations between the two of them that just melt my heart. No asking to play a game or help them find something. No hearing "Mom, I'm hungry" or "Where are we going?" or "Why, Why, Why?"

It all went by so fast! They aren't babies anymore. I miss those little people they used to be, but I would miss my best friends terribly if they were babies again. Singing to the songs on the radio, eating dinner at Tony's, and walking around the Toy Store discussing the new toys in stock have become my favorite past times, what would I do without them?

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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Katlyn's Game

We enjoyed Katlyn's Basketball game this afternoon!! We even got to meet her significant other... Brian! Whoo-hoo.

It was super fun, even though they didn't win :( What a great team of girls!!

Here is a picture of Mason and Abby with Katlyn after the game.

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Boring Weekend so far...

We might venture out of the house today, but so far this weekend we have been keeping warm inside! It has been super cold out.

Valentines day is approaching! I really want to get a cute picture of Abby for a Valentine scrapbook page... but so far no good. I'll keep trying... :)

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Yummy Snow!

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Monday, January 22, 2007

Welcome Home Abby

Took a few fun shots of Abby. The kids were playing Little People this afternoon, it's a snow day!! So we are off school!! Fun Fun!

A Little Post Processing... can you tell it goes from color to b&w as you look at the outer edges? Just for fun...

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Hey Look, It's Snowing!!

It's really happening!! Posted by Picasa

Portrait of Mason

This is Part 2 to my last blog, I can only publish 4 pictures at a time for some strange reason and I have to do this backwards if I get "back-blogged" (haha). Too much thinking on what to type first for everything to be in order... so to get the jist of what we are doing just check the next blog down.

On to more important things....

Tracing Mason!
Mason didn't really dress himself like he was asked to do... I'm wondering what in the world a Psychologist would think of my child after seeing this...

Yes, that is hair, eyes, a nose and mouth...
Apparently, the MAN in Mason came shining through because he decided that the only important parts of being dressed are your Belly Button, and your Tallywacker. What the heck????? He threw some green in there too, since that is his favorite color.

I can't wait until they do this project in school... I'm sure my child will have the only gender correct drawing in the class. Oh Lord....

I know, I'm his mom, but doesn't he have the cutest hand writing in the whole world?? :)

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Portrait of Abby

It's cold outside and they are calling for snow... I did a search on the Internet... Came up with this... "25 Things To Do with Children when it is Cold Out".... Gawd, I love the Internet!!!

Anyway, this was our choosen idea. Mas traced the kids on the paper and then we dressed ourselves .... with markers that is.

Can you tell who the "Real" Abby is?
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Saturday, January 20, 2007

Video of Abby

Color Tablets in the Tub

Last night I had to bribe Mason to let me wash his hair (I don't know why it is always such a big deal) By the time I was done he laughing, but I still had to pay up and let them play with the Crayola Color Tablets. They fizz and make the water turn different colors... They just love them. Actually Mason used his birthday money to buy 3 packs of these tables. We are talking 90 of these color tablets. He also bough the Crayola Color Machine (which is what you see stuck to the side of the tub)

After a yellow tablet and a blue tablet I gave them 1 more... red... Thank goodness they don't stain! The water is always so gross looking when they are done, but they were clean and I had washed their hair! Mission Accomplished.

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Sunday, January 14, 2007

The Air and Space Museum

Today we ventured out to the Air and Space Museum that is about 15 minutes from our house. It has been open for about 4 years, but this was our first visit. It was really cool!! Mason and Abby loved it.

The observation deck was neat, the kids watched planes taking off from Dulles Airport... it was constant! There are 18,000 employees at Dulles... I was so surprised to learn so much neat stuff. They have 6 runways, each 2 miles long. The Space Hanger was mommy's favorite! I loved the space stations they had and all the space shoes, gloves, and other personal items astronauts had taken into space with them. Interesting stuff!

The kids loved these computers, you could choose any aircraft you were interested in and it would give you information about it and then show you a map to the craft in the museum... amazing!

Some of the planes hanging from the ceiling.

Mason and Abby in the Observation Deck. They were watching planes take off from Dulles, and they loved it! Mason looks scared, but he was really having fun, I promise.

Pretty cool lollipops from the gift shop...
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The Air and Space Museum

This is the Observation Deck to watch planes taking off. 160 feet above ground!

Mason watching a plane go right overhead...

The Concord and the Boeing 707, Planes were hanging from all over!
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Okay, I did it, a photography blog...

Visit the link to the right to see my new photography blog.

This current blog will be for the kids and the new will be for my "Photo of the Day" and other things related to learning photography. :)

Enjoy them both!


Saturday, January 13, 2007

Thanks Melissa!

YAY!! No more strange gray line around the blog title! Thanks for the link to fix that :)

Action Oustide!

Whew-Weeeee! We had so much fun outside this morning!! Come on Spring... please hurry!!!

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What a fun day outside!

This morning we were able to go outside and play for a while before the rain came in. It was so fun to be able to take pictures and not worry about shadows from harsh sun. Overcast days are awesome :)

This is Skylar, she lives on our side street, but they are moving today... so this was our last day we were able to play. :(
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Friday, January 12, 2007

Meet Pink Bunny

Pink Bunny was Abby's first and favorite bunny. Aunt Maria gave it to her for her first Easter, and she would hold his ears while she was drinking her bottle to go to sleep. He never left the bed, and was an irreplaceable part of bedtime for over a year.

Abby has grown, her collection of stuffed animals has grown and different stuffed friends sleep with her every night. Pink Bunny still stands by though, awaiting the night Abby decides to hold him tight and rub his ears as she drifts off to sleep. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Blog Title

Yes, the blog title is under construction... I'm trying to fix the line around the outside but I can't keep my eyes open 1 more minute. I have a couple more things to change, I'll try to get to that this weekend. I've got to go to sleep!! Good night!

Bad Exposure...

I was underexposing these pictures... thinking I would fix them in Photoshop. After spending the past 45 minutes messing with them in Photoshop I have learned to expose them CORRECTLY while I take the picture. I enjoy Photoshop, but it was frustrting this morning... it doesn't really matter. All the images I took were to soft, or only 1 eye in focus. Not a good shoot, but I learned from it. I guess that is the point here, right?

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