00 Mason and Abigail's Blog: Portrait of Mason

Monday, January 22, 2007

Portrait of Mason

This is Part 2 to my last blog, I can only publish 4 pictures at a time for some strange reason and I have to do this backwards if I get "back-blogged" (haha). Too much thinking on what to type first for everything to be in order... so to get the jist of what we are doing just check the next blog down.

On to more important things....

Tracing Mason!
Mason didn't really dress himself like he was asked to do... I'm wondering what in the world a Psychologist would think of my child after seeing this...

Yes, that is hair, eyes, a nose and mouth...
Apparently, the MAN in Mason came shining through because he decided that the only important parts of being dressed are your Belly Button, and your Tallywacker. What the heck????? He threw some green in there too, since that is his favorite color.

I can't wait until they do this project in school... I'm sure my child will have the only gender correct drawing in the class. Oh Lord....

I know, I'm his mom, but doesn't he have the cutest hand writing in the whole world?? :)

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Blogger Melissa Davis said...

yes, he does have the cutest hand writing! Zach is still learning....slowly buy surely! cute pictures! You always seem to be doing the funnest things with your kids!

12:14 PM  

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