00 Mason and Abigail's Blog: An Old Favorite

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

An Old Favorite

Since I'm not coming up with anything new and mind blowing in photography, I figure I'll post one of my old favorites of the kids.

When I first took this picture it was not one of my favorites... I was used to seeing Mason in diapers, with those chubby legs and fingers. Abby was a baby everyday back then and let me dress her 3 times a day in the most fun outfits! I had been pregnant and in the house with a baby of some sort for the past 29 months of my life!!! :) BUT, 3 years later... this picture really means a lot to me as a mommy.

Back during the days when I would wake up and the first thing to do was change 2 diapers, carry 2 babies downstairs, get a bottle of formula ready for Abby and cut up some french toast sticks for Mason. They were so dependant on me and life was so different for us. Neither of the kids could even talk! I did all the talking and they did all the screaming. It's hard for me to imagine talking to them all day long with no response!! No hearing "Mom, I have to tell you a story"... not even once a day!?!!! No conversations between the two of them that just melt my heart. No asking to play a game or help them find something. No hearing "Mom, I'm hungry" or "Where are we going?" or "Why, Why, Why?"

It all went by so fast! They aren't babies anymore. I miss those little people they used to be, but I would miss my best friends terribly if they were babies again. Singing to the songs on the radio, eating dinner at Tony's, and walking around the Toy Store discussing the new toys in stock have become my favorite past times, what would I do without them?

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