00 Mason and Abigail's Blog: March 2007

Sunday, March 25, 2007

March 25, already!

Where did March go?? I can't believe it will be April in 1 week!
The kids found some rain water in buckets today and dumped them on the driveway... they were having so much fun splashing around. I was having fun with the reflections the water was making ;) They wouldn't stay still for pictures (surprise surprise) but I loved being outside with my camera.
Only a mommy would take this picture... my precious Abby's foot. Can't complain, the weather was wonderful today!! Dad wasn't here so I settled down in the garage and watched Extreme Makeover. The kids were squealing they were so happy running around, and everything was good. We cleaned the leaves out of some strange places around the yard and even cleaned the garage for Papa a little. Aren't weekends the best?

He is SO COOL...

So Abby had the camera while we were outside (with the strap around her neck very secure of course) and she was taking pictures of me and anything else she could point the lens at... when I hear Mason say "Hey Abs, take a picture of me and my Jeep" and he proceeded to pose like this....
Yeah, this picture says it all... "I am a man, I have a fast car and I don't care that it's pink"
He is so funny, I've never seen his pose like this, or be more proud of a picture in his life!!
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My Little Pony

Just another cute one of Abby in the bathtub this past week. She loves to take her Ponies in the tub because I let her use a little soap in their hair. She washes them until they are shining, doesn't she look proud? She is such a good mommy.

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Is it Summer yet?

So they got out their bathing suits and wanted to go Swimming... we had to settle for the bathtub! I can see them in the pool everyday this summer, it is going to be SO MUCH FUN!!!!

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Notice Anything Strange?

Does Mason's forehead look a little odd to you?
Umm, yeah me too.
The funny part is how this happened. First of all, Mason says (and my son would never lie) that our new barber, Roger Dean, came over to our house last Friday night. He drove his truck and "quietly" walked up the stairs, then he proceeded to take a huge cut out of Mason's hair.

He is a professional, so of course, he knew to cut the hair right over the sink so it wouldn't make a mess. Then the barber stored the scissors under the bed for safe keeping, or in case Abby needed a haircut (thank God we caught him before that).
So Mason is sticking to his story, but he also says he will never touch scissors again... Luckily, Uncle Michael was here and ready to pick up where Roger Dean left off. I had to laugh when Michael asked Mason if he paid full price since he didn't get a full cut. ;)
Uncle Michael did a great job and Mason looks sweeter than ever. Just in time for Easter pictures ;)
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Up to Date...

I was practicing with super fast SS, it was fun... I can't wait to try to freeze the splashing from the pool this summer! :)

Yes, I'm obsessed with flowers, what the heck is my problem. I walk around and take pictures of blooms. Mason and Abby will find a new flower in the yard and yell "Mom, get your camera, I found a flower"... yes, it's that bad. They just call my name and I know they will be gone soon, I love the first blooms of Spring.
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$40 later, I can blog again!!!!!!

YAY!! So I bought the SpySweeper and it found 81 instances of Spyware on my poor PC!!!! It deleted them all and I'm now running a "sweep" once a week.

Back to Blogging... :) All is well in the Universe... All is well.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Abby again

Abby has been a more willing model lately... so if Mason ever thinks I'm showing favorites by taking more pictures of Abby, this is the post that I can how him 12 years from now and say "You wouldn't let me take your picture"!!!!

Anyway, this is one of my favorites of Abby lately... She has a piece of hair in her eye, and the top of her head has harsh sun, but those pigtails make me smile.

Also, I love her eyes... notice anything? If you look close you can see me! White t-shirt and jeans. I should blow it up more and use it as a self portrait!!

This is one of Abby's new friends... a ladybug I found outside. Pretty cute face, huh?
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Friday, March 16, 2007

More pictures...

More pictures from the past week...

it won't work again... ugh... I hate this...

Hey, I got it to work...

Okay, so my computer didn't freak out when I tried to post this... Could the problem be fixed without wasting money on SpyWare Cleaning? I hope so!

I have some fun pictures to update you with. I'm dying for a macro lens, $240 isn't that much, right? ;)

Anyways, it's Friday. I have'nt had the best week ever at work... my job is pretty stress free but this week was a pain in the rear! It's probably better that I didn't post since all the negativity would have been infesting my posts. I'm better now... my blog is working and it's Friday... life is good.
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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I can't photoblog... damn SpyWare

Okay, obviously I've been having "Blog Issues".

My computer was infected with some SpyWare and now I can't open Internet Explorer. I've been connecting to the Internet with AOL Explorer, but when I try to upload a picture to Blogger it opens Internet Explorer and my computer proceeds to go crazy... ie... the printer starts printing blank paper, and a BUNCH of Lycos search engines pop up all over my screen, pops up of ads keep coming FOREVER!!! It SUCKS. So I guess I have to buy some SpyWare and then I'll be back to blogging.

I miss it terribly! I think I was slightly addicted.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Pizza Pizza!

We made our very own Pizza for dinner tonight. I mean REALLY made our own pizza... It was more than I expected, but it turned out yummy, and the kids enjoyed it.
First we had to mix the dough and then let it rise for 20 minutes...

Then they rolled out the dough and started to add the Pizza Sauce! That was just like painting!!

Then they took handfuls of cheese and coated the tops of the Pizza! They are ready to bake!!
And the finished product! They were Yummy!!Just ask Mason... he ate 3 pieces!! :)


Sunday, March 04, 2007

Welcome to March

Do you see what I see?? YAY!! It looks like Spring is around the corner... we have stems pushing their way through the cold ground to the light. I love the first signs that winter is on its way out.

This past weekend we did another quick craft. I bought some magnetic frames from Wal-mart and we used glitter glue to apply some fun things. The kids are so good when we do crafts, it makes me want to do more of them. We'll save all the "painting" crafts for the summer. ;)
We also got to run around in the Jeeps on Saturday. Abby is getting so good in the little jeep... she is really having fun. Plus, Mason loves to have someone to chase.

YAY! March is here!