00 Mason and Abigail's Blog: February 2006

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Here we are in our new car!! Thank you Aunt Jan, Uncle Grady, and Dustin... we love our Taurus, and she seems to like us too! Don't we look happy in there!!!

We went to see Aunt Coni today! She bought us a yummy lunch at Casa Chimayo, and then we came back to house to do laundry... Aunt Coni holds out a load of clothes for the kids since she knows how much they LOVE to do laundry with her. They are really big helpers too!

After we put the clothes in the washers we took a long walk and chased a cat and found some birds. It was pretty nice outside today! We also did some snooping to find empty apartments at Deer Park :)
We went to Toys R Us with Uncle Michael and then dinner at Red Robin with Aunt Michelle and Michael. It has been such a fun day for us... the kids are zonked and mommy is too!!
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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Happy Birthday Aunt Jan!Mason and Abby really, really miss Mas. They wouldn't smile for the camera here... Mason said " I can't smile, I miss Mas too much"
Mason was up for picture taking today! They are both getting much better about slowing down long enough to take their picture. Thank goodness!
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We woke up to more white stuff this morning... I wasn't expecting that! Just think a cruise to the Bahamas, and we are here with snow!!! You sure are a lucky girl. :) You should be sending some pictures of the beach instead of me sending picture of the snow... :) You should do a scrapbook of all the Florida trips. How fun would that be to look through! :) Posted by Picasa

Michael cut my hair in about 5 minutes... I feel like a new girl! I have a real haircut, yay!! Posted by Picasa

The Taurus is up and running! She so proud of her new sticker, she feels like a real Virginian! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Look what we found!
I hope they were for us! I figured they might be since there are 2 of them and I can't think of anyone else in this house that would really enjoy these. If not, we didn't get them dirty and I put them back in the baggie when we were done.Both of the kids said their name was "Bailey"... Mason really got into the part and ran over to Puddle's food and started pretending to eat. I don't think they could really see through the eye holes, so they pulled them up on their heads and wore them like headbands. They were really cute!

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Monday, February 20, 2006

Hi Mas! Here are some pictures in case you are forgetting what we look like... Mas, Mas, Mas, Mas, Mas, Maaas, Maaaaaas.... That is what we sound like :)
Abby is in bed for the night and Michael is begging Mason to stay up and play with him :) Today on the way home from Michelle's Mason asked me "Mom, how can Michael sleep so much during the sun time?" I had to laugh, but I also told him that Michael stays up late at night and doesn't go to sleep at a good bedtime... who knows what he was thinking!

I still haven't heard from Dad about the Taurus, I guess I'll ask tomorrow... I doubt I'll catch him from the garage to the bed.

Maybe tomorrow will bring some excitment... nothing to report so far. Posted by Picasa
Fred Flintstone Strikes Again!!!
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Saturday, February 18, 2006

Just another test... I think I can post blogs directly from Picasa, my picture software. How cool would that be... This is getting easier everytime I try!

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Bye-Bye Mas!

After waving good-bye from the front window Mason brought everyone upstairs to show us his creation..... He proudly showed Uncle Michael how he had lined up each Geo-Engine side by side and put the cars in line behind them. Uncle Michael was proud, Mason sure knows the way to Michael's heart! :)

Abby decided she needed to clean the paci's in the sink and brush her teeth. She got wet, of course, but we got a new shirt and now she has clean teeth and clean paci's!!

Okay, I'm gonna try to see how easy it is to upload this and I'm going to try to keep up with it for a while. I'm not sure how easy it will be...

Hope you had a smooth flight! Tell Aunt Jan, Grady and Dustin we said "HI!!"