00 Mason and Abigail's Blog

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Look what we found!
I hope they were for us! I figured they might be since there are 2 of them and I can't think of anyone else in this house that would really enjoy these. If not, we didn't get them dirty and I put them back in the baggie when we were done.Both of the kids said their name was "Bailey"... Mason really got into the part and ran over to Puddle's food and started pretending to eat. I don't think they could really see through the eye holes, so they pulled them up on their heads and wore them like headbands. They were really cute!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness Lissie!! I guess we forgot to tell you that I'd brought those for the kids when we drove up, but with all the excitement over the Little People, I just stuck them up on the fridge (next to the "animal crackers'!) for a later fun time!!! SO glad they found them and are having fun with them! =)

11:22 PM  

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