00 Mason and Abigail's Blog

Monday, February 20, 2006

Hi Mas! Here are some pictures in case you are forgetting what we look like... Mas, Mas, Mas, Mas, Mas, Maaas, Maaaaaas.... That is what we sound like :)
Abby is in bed for the night and Michael is begging Mason to stay up and play with him :) Today on the way home from Michelle's Mason asked me "Mom, how can Michael sleep so much during the sun time?" I had to laugh, but I also told him that Michael stays up late at night and doesn't go to sleep at a good bedtime... who knows what he was thinking!

I still haven't heard from Dad about the Taurus, I guess I'll ask tomorrow... I doubt I'll catch him from the garage to the bed.

Maybe tomorrow will bring some excitment... nothing to report so far. Posted by Picasa


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