00 Mason and Abigail's Blog: April 2006

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Abby is 2 years old!

Abby celebrated her 2nd birthday today! We had great weather for a Strawberry Shortcake party... She was the Queen all day long and by the end of the day you could just see the happiness and excitement in her eyes. She was loving every minute of the attention! Here she is blowing out the candles...
I can't believe my baby girl is 2 years old. She and Mason both zonked out right at bedtime, it was a "berry" fun day!
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Saturday, April 22, 2006

Happy Easter

Hope you enjoyed your Easter! We had a great day here. After we woke up and found our baskets from the Easter Bunny we went down to Nanny's for some Easter Fun... here we are looking for some Easter Eggs!
After the Egg hunt Michael was a good Uncle and gave Mason and Abby rides around the back yard! Here are the kids with their cousins... Jake, Katlyn, Evan and Chad.
This is one of my all time favorite pictures of Abby...
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Saturday, April 15, 2006

Coloring Easter Eggs

We were able to color Easter Eggs this afternoon & the Easter Bunny is on his way to our house tonight!!

Can you believe we made it through without spilling one cup of dye? They are getting so old!!! :) Here are a couple of the pictures I took while they did they eggs.

Abby's egg broke...

Here are a couple cute pictures of Abby I took this afternoon, she was in such a great mood!

We rode the Train into Union Station

Aunt Coni sure had a great idea!
We could take the train into DC over Spring Break!!!

We woke up early on Tuesday because the train was leaving at 7:57am, then we picked up Aunt Coni at her house and made it to the station with plenty of time to spare. Mason and Abby absolutely LOVED riding the train!! Here they are with the conductor of the railroad!! :)

Once we arrived at Union Station we decided to take a tour of DC and rode the DC Ducks! It was a land/water vehicle and we actually drove into the water and rode all around the Potomac. It was really fun... I think Coni and I enjoyed that more than the kids!! It was so interesting to hear all the stories of DC. Here I am with the kids on the tour, and then the picture below that is all of us in the tour boat before we left.

While we were in Union Station we ate lunch at a 50's diner... Johnny Rockets!

I hope we can go back into DC this summer for more adventures, we all really enjoyed this trip!

It's almost time for a birthday...

Abby delivered her birthday party invitations to the mailman this week!! She was worried that the "tations" were crying by the end of the day, so we walked out and held them until the mailman came by. He said he would take good care of them, honestly, I was afraid Abby wasn't going to let the poor guy take the invitations!
Hope you can make it to the Strawberry Shortcake birthday party!!
It's gonna be berry fun!
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Monday, April 10, 2006

Here comes Peter Cottontail!!

We had an exciting week this week! We went to Fair Oaks to ride the elevators and the Easter Bunny was there!! While we were riding he waved to us and started to blow kisses... so we had to high tail it back downstairs and sit on his lap!

Mason jumped right up and gave him the biggest hug, while Abby hung back to make sure he was friendly to Mason before walking up.

He was very nice and Mason told him "Bring us some Chocolate!!" We can't wait for him to visit our house. :) Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Thank You Marge!!

The Easter Bunny came early!! Marge, Mas friend at work, send some chocolate covered cupcakes home for the kids. Mason kept saying "Thank You Marge" while they were eating the cupcakes... Abby would follow with "You're Welcome Marge". They must have said that about 10 times while they were gobbling down the cakes. They both eat them the same way, lick the chocolate off the top and then eat the cake inside. I noticed when I opened them for an after lunch treat that Mason had already removed the top from the container a few times... a couple of the cupcakes had little finger marks across the top! He hid that one very well, I didn't even see any chocolate around his mouth this morning!
Gosh, Mason really is growing up!! His face is staying so clean... (notice the fingers though)
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Sunday, April 02, 2006

Save the Earth! Plant a Tree!

This weekend we planted a tree in our backyard! It's an Apple Tree and sure looks happy in it's new home.
Didn't we do a good job?
Mason absolutely loved playing in the dirt! The sandbox is his second home so far this spring, he and Abby are determined to bring every grain of sand into Mas house before summer is over! It might be hard, but they seem to be up to the challenge... they hide the sand in funny places like their hair, Abby's diapers and Mason's pockets!
Here they are watering the tree after we planted it. PaPa said it will grow up fast... just like Mason and Abby! Posted by Picasa