00 Mason and Abigail's Blog: The Flying Circus!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

The Flying Circus!

Today we went down to see the Flying Circus! They are the planes that do loopdey-loops and twists and turns in air! We got there a little early so we got to ride a hay ride and hang out before the show. Around 2:30 the planes all took off for the show!

This is a guy actually standing on the top of the plane while it was in flight! He was pretty cool and came down to sign autographs at the end.

Here are the planes that fly together and do tricks...

Here are Mason and Abby standing by one of the circus planes... itwas pretty hot so it was hard to get them to cooperate for pictures. :)

Like I said... they really weren't into the picture thing today. Here they are with Mas at the end of another plane.

The show was fun, we had ice that kept the kids cool, and I think we all enjoyed the day. Posted by Picasa


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