00 Mason and Abigail's Blog: Mason

Sunday, June 04, 2006


Mason Wayne, 3 1/2

These days Mason is up to playing and pretending all the time. He absolutely loves being outside and only comes inside to "relax" and eat. Some of his favorite outdoor things are, helping Papa in the yard, finding ants, driving his Jeep, playing in the sand, and riding on his ride-on toys.

He is so sweet and sensitive. He is an absolutely wonderful big brother to Abby. He cares about other people, and he worries a little too much. (I wonder where he gets that from?) His imagination is unbelievable and he is so creative. He plays hard and runs harder! He can run so fast!!

I can't believe he will be 4 this fall, he is such a good boy. He is counting and sounding out his letters. He is working on addition and he can even write his name. He loves to learn and picks up new things so fast. He enjoys playing on the computer and knows the in's and out's of the Thomas the Tank Engine Website!

When Mason was a newborn he was so laid back, relaxed, and sweet. Those things have just never changed. He didn't go through a terrible two's phase and I've often wondered when that would start. I think Mason is just too sweet to be "terrible" and every night while I watch him go to sleep I am just amazed at the amount of love I can feel for one little boy.


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