00 Mason and Abigail's Blog: May 2006

Monday, May 29, 2006

It's Hot Outside!

It got up to 93 degrees this weekend and we pulled out the swimming pool! The kids put on their bathing suits for the first time this year and played outside all day long!
Abby loves to "ride" the swimming pool! She bounces up and down, and up and down... She says "It fits her!"
Here they are in the Barbie Jeep!! Mason drives them all around the backyard... he drops Abby off at the park, and he even brought me some Burger King for lunch! What a great imagination he has!
Summer is so much fun! They are outside from the time they finish breakfast to the time they come in for bed... the backyard is just full of fun things to keep them occupied and by the end of the summer every inch of it will have been explored!! Posted by Picasa

Friday, May 26, 2006

Not much new...

Well, nothing new is going on here. We've just been enjoying this weather and playing outside! Abby took a trip to McDonalds this week, she loves driving the car!
Here they are with Ronald, the picture if kind-of dark, but they are both yelling... "Chheeeeeze"... can you tell??
We have been traveling to as many parks as we can! This one was a fun one we found in Montclair... Abby loved this slide! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Caterpillars & Balet

Mason loves all the new caterpillars crawling around. We have a bunch in our bug box and 2 are in cacoons... it sure will be neat if they come out as butterflies! We have opened the door in case they break out, I hope they make it...
Our Elmo sprinkler is already getting some good use! We can't wait for the pools to open!
Abby has been practicing her balet this week too! Mas and PaPa bought her a new twirling outfit for her birthday. Here she is doing one of her "Reena" spins...
An after lunch hug... Mason 3 1/2, Abby 2. Posted by Picasa