00 Mason and Abigail's Blog

Friday, August 28, 2009

Oh! How they've grown...

Oh my gosh, they grown about 2 inches per year.
Abby 35"
Mason 40"

Abby 39"
Mason 42"

Abby 41"
Mason 45"

Abby- 44"
Mason 47"
Abby has grown 9 inches and Mason has grown 7 inches.
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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Last nights friend...

Another frog we found last night!
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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Tuesday, July 29

Today was one of those days when you run around cleaning and picking up ALL.DAY and then at the end of the day you feel like nothing is done.

I know I am working on my third load of laundry for the day, so that is good. I got some calls made to the attorney, and I made Mason's appointment for his K-5 Dr.s Appt. The first available appointment is August 29, I hope that isn't too late for the school.
Lunch was ....

Dinner was the same, but from Tony's this time. Hey, the kids were in a pizza mood!

In between I did some meaningless things..

Like Organizing all the kids DVDs.

Which reminded me that I wanted to watch this one with the kids, it was cute. Truly a Disney Movie, nothing bad happens and the end is so "They Lived Happily Ever After."I changed the bed skirt on the bed which involved taking the mattress off, it was hard work! New Sheets too!!
Oh! and this is a picture of one of the plants I repotted yesterday.

Good night!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Monday, June 28

Today was such a hard day for me!! I would get some motivation and then 30 minutes later, it would be gone. I started a load of laundry which is now dry in my dryer. I put towels in the washer so I can throw those over before bed.

I repotted my succulent, after reading on the Internet I realized that moving them to bigger pots (like I did last week) was a big mistake. I'm afraid they will be dead by the time I'm done with them this summer. They go dormant in November, so I'm hoping they will have time to recover before then. I'm not happy with them. I want blooming plants. I want happy plants.

Jason left this guy in bug box for Mason this morning.

Mason was thrilled but Abby ran away crying "Jason didn't leave a pet for me!!!" So Abby.
We let him go tonight, he wasn't looking as perky as this morning.

I didn't cook anything interesting. The kids had scrambled eggs for breakfast, ABCs 123s for Lunch and Mac & Cheese for dinner. BORING. We did grocery shopping yesterday, and Jason put ALL the meats in the freezer. Whoops! I swear tomorrow I will cook something. I hope it isn't another day of no motivation.

Anyways, after dinner I decided that Abby's room needed to be cleaned. Of course, I cleaned and she walked around playing with all the toys I picked up. Mason even pitched in and vacuumed, what a sweet big brother.

I've got to grab those clothes out of the dryer and get the kids in bed. I'll check back in tomorrow. :)
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Buffing the Floor

I cleaned the floors last Thursday, the kids were thrilled that I put down toooo much spray and needed their weight to get the extra off. As I pulled them around I told them the story of how Nanny did this when Mas was little. Instead of grasping the story they questioned everything I said. Nanny didn't have Aunt Jan and Mas and Uncle Denny.... Nanny doesn't have floors like this..... I swear they didn't believe me or something!! I guess the idea of Nanny pulling anyone around at 86 years old is hard to believe. So much for sharing sweet stories of the past.

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The Beginning of Summer!

Today was the first day of our Summer Vacation, part 2. Summer School is over and we have 5 weeks to rest, relax, enjoy the sun, school shop, and somehow... learn to think of Mason walking off my bus to Kindergarten without wanting to break down crying my eyes out.

Speaking of the firstborn son, here he is...

And here's Abby, 4 going on 14... yikes!
I've decided that I need to blog this next 5 weeks or it is going to FLY by and since my life will never be the same I'd like to remember this. Plus, it makes me get my camera out. I'm not saying that we are going to do anything interesting, but I will be sure to blog every meaningless thing we do. Sounds fun, eh?
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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Spring Love

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Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy 2008!

So, one of my New Years Resolutions would be to start blogging again... I couldn't remember why I stopped, but then realized it was because I had updated my Picasa (photo software) and it was having problems talking to blogger. So I would post and then click "Publish this Post" and it would get lost in blog-land. After a couple times of that happening, I stopped. I hope the bugs are worked out and I don't have those problems any longer.

The kids have had a bad cough for the past couple of days, so we didn't go to Aunt Maria and Uncle Denny's this year. We stayed at home and played with all of our new toys. The kids watched the ball drop... quickly followed with a "that's it?" You've been talking about this past 10 seconds all night mom!!
But, the blowers and ability to scream "Happy New Year" at the top of their lungs quickly made it all fun again!

Happy New Year.
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Monday, August 13, 2007

Fair Time Again!!!!!

Yesterday at the fair...

Last year at the fair...

Does this help? Yep, Abby has grown 3 inches! and Mason has grown a good 2 inches.
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